Friday, January 14, 2011

A bit about Chester and Me (his mom :-)

To tell you a bit about Chester 'n me,  and how Tails of a Therapy Dog  began~

My blog, Tails of a Therapy Dog  ( simply began because I wanted a place to write down our stories. With each pet therapy visit, a new tail was birthed. And I never wanted to forget the stories ~~

I am a wife, a mom, a Gigi (grandma!).  I am a retired school teacher, though I don't think anyone who is a teacher at heart ever really retires or stops teaching.  I have been blessed to live in some of the most beautiful places on earth, from the California shores of the Pacific Ocean, to the majestic Rocky Mountains, to the Hawaiian Islands, historic Pennsylvania, and now the beautiful Central Coast of California.

By God's design, after moving east, I stumbled upon KPETS in Lancaster, PA, and found a wonderful fit for a  season of my life ~ serving in KPETS, Keystone Pet Enhanced Therapy Services, with our lovable  Golden Retriever, Chester.  I totally love what I get to do ~ bless others and hang out with my golden at the same time ~ visiting people of all ages, bringing hope, encouragement, and tail wags to those in need. 

Chester joined our family when he was about 9 weeks old ~  when my husband, Keith and I  met him at his home near Gettysburg, PA. it was love at first sight. And, he picked us, no doubt about it.   Chester joins a heritage of goldens in our family ~ Brighton, Behr, HoneyBear, Ginger, Clark, & Muffin.  Each one has enriched our family more than words can say,  depositing golden memories in our hearts. That sounds corny, but it's ohsotrue. I could not imagine life without the love of a golden in our home and at my side. Muffin, our golden-girl before Chester, was my first unofficial therapy dog ~ joining me in my 3rd grade classrooms at Kona Christian Academy in Hawaii.   She was an expert at helping students become better readers and writers, but her specialty was teaching her kids (and their teacher)  about unconditional love. At 13, that's 91 in doggie years, she bravely journeyed with us across sea and land to Pennsylvania.  She lived with us in PA only a short time, but moments before going to heaven at the golden age of 14, somehow, as only God could orchestrate, she connected me to KPETS.  SO typical of Goldens, always taking care of their people. Thank you Muff :-).

In many ways, all of our dogs have been personal therapy dogs in our family.    But now, with Chester, we are having the joy of going beyond our home, out into the community, bringing Pet Therapy to others!  What a privilege.

 Now,  you know a bit of the rest of the story...

PS  Superstar Muffin on her 14th birthday ~ she enjoyed a BBQ'd hamburger , and then delighted in chasing fireflies (maybe sauntering after fireflies is a better way to put it), across the lush Pennsylvania field behind our home.  A short 1 month later ~~ she crossed rainbow bridge. 

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