I love this tree. The Lord knows how much I enjoy the beauty of His creation and I think He planted this treasure with me in mind :-). Each place we've been blessed to live, He has given me beauty to enjoy. In Colorado, the majestic Rockies. In California and Hawaii, the sea. And here. My tree. Right outside my window.
I call it my Season Tree.
Springtime. Brilliant with pink blossoms. Especially bright after a long cold winter. Long awaited spring bursts forth in my tree, and in my heart.
Summer. She is lush and bright, a vibrant green. Offering cool shade and protection from the heat.
Autumn. Her leaves turn crimson red, one last hurrah of brilliance before her leaves die and drop to the ground. A dazzling display, and then...
Winter. Bare branches. So bare and stark, in fact my first winter here, I wondered if she would survive the gray, freezing, bitter-cold days? Was she even alive?
And then.... then.... came spring.
In this spot with coffee cupped in my hands, therapy dog at my side, Heavenly Papa whispering to my heart~~I am thankful. Thankful for the seasons. And, thankful that no matter what, no matter what, spring always comes again.
Pieknie to opisalas, ja tez mam swoje drzewo :) Pozdrawiam serdecznie, Ewa KK /Poland/