Saturday, February 11, 2012

Chester's First Wedding

 It was just one year ago that we met new friends, Chris and Victoria.    One week ago today, February 4, 2012, we were blessed to attend their wedding.

Twinkle Lights, and Twinkling eyes.  What a beautiful day. 
I love happy endings....and new beginnings. 

Congratulations, Blessings, and Tail Wags, to our dear friends!
Oh Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Diane, Keith, and Chester for sharing our special day with us! We couldn't imagine it any other way. We have shared the story of our paths crossing with all our friends and family. It was great for them to meet the famous Chester and family.

    On a personal note, we lost our own beloved Libby just hours before and it was truly amazing to have that special touch from the canine world. Thank you Chester for helping us celebrate - and THANK YOU for helping us grieve.

