Monday, August 8, 2011

Woof Woof for Sundays!

"OK if I take my squirrel to show the kids?"

"OF COURSE !  :-)"

What a great Sunday.  Full.  Yes!  Good?  Yes!  Traveling a good distance morning and evening to reach our destinations, we cruised over hill and dale, (Chester's ears blowing in the wind), through lush green farm land ripe with endless rows of corn,  passing crowded Amish buggies on their way to and from their Sunday Meetings ~~ to at last arrive at OUR meeting places.

Our meeting place on this Sunday morning was a 200 year old beautiful stone Presbyterian Church (oh the stories it could tell) , filled with delightful people who were celebrating God's creation....pets.  Chester and I shared with a group of adults and children about Our Lord and KPETS, telling God stories, stories that many you have already heard. On this Pet Sunday,  we met new friends, young and old, Chester even  met a few new furry friends, 5 dogs, 1 cat, and a not-so-furry-snake (thankfully, a caged in snake), to be exact.   What a paws-i-tively wonderful morning :-)

In the evening, we traveled the same country roads to a different Church, to share at the opening evening for a Vacation Bible School Event. Another amazing 200 year old stone Church nestled in the southern hills of Pennsylvania. This beautiful steepled-building  had a cemetery attached with multi-century old gravestones..... and today's fresh memorials.  Arriving early, we respectully wandered the edges. There were many that caught my eye and heart, imagining the stories.    A fresh marker .... he bravely served his country in WWII.....married his best friend.....beloved father......and grandpa....and at times laughed uncontrollably.    awe.  I would have liked knowing this man. 

Back to our evening at the church on the hill.  Noah's Ark theme for VBS.  Chester was the featured animal of the evening!  WOOF WOOF.  I shared about God's amazing creation, so thankful God included dogs on the ark!  Shared God/Chester stories....and told why this pup makes such a good good therapy dog.  Why?  Because he LOVES to love, and LOVES to obey.  WHY? Because he knows his master loves him and is worthy of his trust.

After group time we visited each classroom from pre-school to Junior High.  It was a full evening for Chester ~ 2 hours of meeting/greeting/petting/tricks/therapy examples/listening/ball chasing/waiting/paw shaking/being attentive to MY voice constantly/brushing/tail tugs/ear rubs/and belly scratches. 

It was a HOT evening.  HUMID evening.  The Sunday School rooms had no AC. Chester was one hot dog, and I was pretty drippy myself.  BUT---- he was a champ.    From laying on the carpeted floor with pre-schoolers, to winning the hearts of Jr. Highers...  He did everything I asked of him, and more.  With tail waggin'. 

He deserved a T-Bone.

He came home and collapsed.

It's morning.  He's still snoozin'.

What a good boy :-)


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